All programs and services are totally free. Your support is needed and appreciated.
Your valuable contributions by check can be mailed to:
Downrange Warriors P.O. Box 2251 Cody, WY 82414

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OK, i'm listening, what's next?

You are now in the cross hairs of an amazing journey. Keep paging down.


other vets went ahead of you

Yes, others saved their marriages, their families & even their own lives. How you ask?

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They watched and acted on what other veterans found actually worked. It worked for themselves and for their loved know, the ones who worried, prayed and waited for you. The ones who are now trying to figure out who this person is that came home completely different.

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your sit rep

Do you prefer to be alone...avoid crowds? Not telling anyone about your survivor's guilt? Protecting other from what lives within?


Do you miss the Adrenalin more than breathing? Do you dull the pain with your drug of choice, alcohol, and nobody understands why?
So, how's that working for you?

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OK, enough questions

Good news is you're not the only one fighting
that silent internal battle after returning home.

Even more encouraging, others have pounded the ground before you...with long term success. Now, before you say, "Hey man I'm OK," review your personal Sit Rep and see if you are actually sliding down that slippery slope toward losing everything.
Would your family members say you're OK?  Are you really up to scratch?
Now click on “What We Do” to check out your options.


Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of veterans leading veterans to daily victory. Click the above Downrange Warriors icon.


Ready to help veterans with PTS? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself. 
Click the above Lend A Hand icon.